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Here you will find a selection of those certificates that we particularly value.

For all of our products you will either find a link to the respective certificate at the appropriate point, or you can see from the description which certificates apply to the respective product.

oeko tex hattree produkte
faire löhne für textilien
fairreade textilien und mode
nachhaltig hergestellte mode
mode nachhaltig hergestellt
plastikfreier versand
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Why the environment is IMPORTANT for us!

Climate change caused by humans harms nature

and our environment massive.

Even today, the consequences can hardly be overlooked in many places around the world.

There are many reasons for this, people have to rethink and change their ways of acting in many ways in order to enable nature to relax and to effectively protect our planet. There are many different ways of supporting the environment and making an effective contribution to climate protection. Two of these are the purchase of environmentally friendly manufactured and packaged clothing and the selection of suppliers who rely on fair wages. This is exactly what contributes

HATTREE actively contribute and you can help us!

HATTREE stands for sustainable clothing and environmental protection. In order to reduce the CO2 emissions caused by textile production and to reduce the pollution of our seas by microplastics and chemical residues from textile fibers, the raw material for our products consists of environmentally friendly materials such as recycled, organic or hemp materials. The use of sustainable primary products is our top priority! This is how we approach the sustainability factor from the bottom up. Packaging materials are also not to be neglected with a view to environmental protection. Plastic packaging, for example, is often practical, versatile and colorful - but unfortunately also extremely harmful to the environment and our own health. For this reason, HATTREE only uses sustainable packaging boxes made from natural products - even our adhesive tape and the filling material are produced in a resource-saving manner!

We link the evidence of sustainability at the appropriate places.

You can find out about our environmentally friendly production on the one hand, and our suppliers' sustainable management on the other.

We donate 5% of the proceeds from every single item of clothing to the 4Ocean organization. 4Ocean collects garbage from our seas and processes it into bracelets that are sold. You are making an important contribution to cleaning up the blue lungs of our planet - the oceans.

The protection of our planet is very important to HATTREE.

By combining the measures listed here, we set an example for climate and environmental protection and do our part to use our planet's resources more carefully and to avoid rubbish and toxic waste.

Our awards

Verbraucher Informationen

Zielsetzung ist es Rohöl basierte Kunststoffverpackungen und Verpackungsmaterialien KOMPLETT durch umweltfreundliches, plastikfreies Verpackungsmaterial aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen zu ersetzen.

Dass dies kostengünstig und ohne weiteres möglich ist, können Sie auf Biobiene® ( einsehen.

Mit jedem Einkauf belohnen Sie die umweltfreundlichen Bemühungen des Verkäufers / Versenders und helfen AKTIV dabei mit, die Welt etwas mehr von Plastikmüll zu befreien.

Biobiene® ist die führende Marke für plastikfreie Versandverpackungen in Europa.

Kaufen Sie bei Plastik reduzierenden Versendern 

Der Umwelt zuliebe!

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